Rokkun Digital Drome (TADD)
TADD is a new-age digital rules engine that catalyzes an organization's digital initiatives. This engine offers a holistic digital experience through effective SMAC, AI/ML, Blockchain, and AR/VR orchestration.
Get a litmus test on digital assets reusability for future-proof systems architecture.
Experience how data gets transformed into more profound insights.
Build “Digital Twin” to optimize your cost and enhance performance.
“DIGITAL WISDOM” opens avenues to measure output and stimulate outcomes.
AI / ML initiatives are critical for organizations differentiation in the market, resulting in maximum impact. We enable you to identify the true essence and tangible benefits of AI / ML, directing you towards organizational success.
We help you envision solutions that take advantage of increasing data complexity in today's world.
Maximize the business impact of AI projects by ensuring a collaborative approach among C-suite, business leaders, and technology evangelists.
Our frameworks help machines scale up to human decision making.
Rokkun’s rules engine facilitates “Serendipity” in the transformation to create new business models.
Our component library acts as a catalyst and a glue between the machine and human thought process.
Deep Learning
Neural Network
Data Science
Blockchain platforms can help transform the business lifecycle into a digital ecosystem that instills trust and transparency.
Empower organizations with edge applications, blockchain tokens, verifiable credentials & decentralized identifiers.
Build solutions using Solidity, Geth, and interfaces such as JSON-RPC server, command-line, and an interactive console.
P2P enables decentralization; P2P blockchain architecture allows all cryptocurrencies. Blockchain empowers the ledgerization of many digital assets on a P2P network.
Achieve high standards of security, reliability, and uptime of blockchain networks in production.
Leverage the benefits of chain agnostic solutions to scale hybrid systems and NFT minting.
Digital Assets
Digital Identity
NFT / Tokenization
Industry Grade Blockchain
Think Digital Immersive Experience, Think Metaverse. Visualize futuristic Metaverse experience through the right synergy of Augmented Reality (AR), Head-Mounted Display (HMD), Internet of Things (IoT), Cloud, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and spatial technologies – remote sensing, GPS, and GIS.
Build innovative products and solutions with multimodal interface (AR/Mixed/VR) experiences.
Create “Gather” based solutions to collaborate among individuals using user-built 2D worlds with spatial audio and video.
Seed solutions in the interaction layers in intelligent devices, creating Cyberspace.
Ingrain new business models through Metaverse and manage payments through NFTs (Non-fungible tokens).
We are “concept seeding” NOWHERE, offering prebuilt 3D worlds to build gaming solutions.
Experiential Web3.0
Dimensional Engineering
xD Animation
Extended / Alternate Reality
Edge Computing
Avoid islands of automation tasks and establish holistic planning and prioritization on new initiatives to drive growth. Our frameworks can enable quicker implementation of industry-focused automation—intelligent selection of critical processes for automation results in increased system efficiency.
Gain synergetic and well-oiled business processes.
Automation catalyzes the process and system to deliver the desired growth, digitalization, and operational excellence.
Achieve elated customer satisfaction through conversation automation enabled by RPA, AI, and ML.
Intelligent Process Automation – build end-to-end process automation that integrates and manages digital processes.
Interactive workflows
Decision-Driven Automation
Robotic Process Automation
Conversational automation
H/M Interface Metrics
IoT and digital twins are instrumental in improving situational awareness and helping make better business decisions. Self-diagnosing and self-repairing processes are rising for the post-COVID situations curbing cost aspects.
Unique orchestration engine for connected devices architecture.
Predictive analytics helps form a “PoD” – Point of Decision rule book.
Near real-time control of mission-critical applications.
Software framework-driven inventory using devices in the warehousing process.
Making devices smarter through our unique data extraction models.